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世界十大豪华邮轮公司:皇家加勒比、歌诗达Costa 、STARCRUISES丽星邮轮、公主邮轮Princess、NCL诺唯真、地中海邮轮MSC、CUNARD冠达邮轮、 星梦邮轮DREAMCRUISES、VikingCruises维京游轮、中华泰山邮轮

1.皇家加勒比 :皇家加勒比成立于1968年品牌发源地美国,这个公司是全球领先的邮轮度假集团,公司旗下有很多超大型邮轮,公司不断努力创新凭借大吨位及创新的设计创下多个世界邮轮记录。

2.歌诗达Costa :歌诗达Costa 属于嘉年华集团旗下,这个公司来自于意大利公司成立于1860年是欧洲地区知名邮轮公司,在世界十大邮轮公司中是首家进驻中国的国际邮轮公司。


4.公主邮轮Princess :这个邮轮品牌属于美国嘉年华集团,公司成立于1965年是国际知名邮轮品牌,以卓越的体验享誉世界,公司实力雄厚拥有豪华邮轮以及比较有实力的游轮公司,设计的150条航线几乎覆盖全球,游客可以搭乘公主邮轮可以到各大港口城市观光。

5.NCL诺唯真 :NCL诺唯真 是全球大型游轮运营商,品牌发源地北美洲。公司实力比较雄厚旗下拥有诺唯真游轮和丽晶七海游轮以及大洋游轮等品牌,是一个比较有创新力的邮轮品牌企业。

6.地中海邮轮MSC :地中海邮轮MSC属于地中海航运集团,品牌发源地瑞士,在世界十大邮轮公司中是地中海地区和南美以及南非地区邮轮行业的先驱,公司为游客提供满意的意大利风格邮轮假期,赢得客户信赖。目前已经成为全球闻名的私有邮轮企业。

7.CUNARD冠达邮轮 :CUNARD冠达邮轮 来自于英国,属于嘉年华集团旗下,这个公司成立于1840年是全球著名的豪华邮轮以及远洋航行领域先驱,为游客打造舒适的邮轮体验,有奢华的舱房和精致的美食以及热情体贴入微的客房送餐服务等。



10.中华泰山邮轮 :中华泰山邮轮属于渤海轮渡集团旗下,是一个大型的邮轮公司,中华泰山号邮轮是德国制造的,邮轮里面的设施比较完善有图书馆和免税店以及剧院等,能够满足客户的生活和娱乐需求。品牌发源地山东省烟台市.


1 As I know , StarCruises line ,founded by Mr.LinWutong in 1933, ranks first in Asia-Pacific area and third in the world in scale. Its major cruises are in Asia ,which are mainly between Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Japan . Star Cruises provides entertainment, foods, and gym house for its customers on its yachts.

2 I chose StarCruise, because of its large scale and good reputation and the opportunities it can offer. in StarCruise, I will get space for my promotion, a platform to enhance my English ability, and a lot of opportunities to take tours to other countries, making foreign friends and enriching my knowledges of different culture heritages and traditions. At the same time, I will also be able to support myself by wrorking in StarCruise.

3 five luxurious yachts are being operated under the brand of StarCruise: they are SuperStar rVirgo, Aquarius, Libra, Gemini, and Aries.

4 I have been a waitress in a four star hotel for bout 3 months. l quit that job because of its low salary . when I work there I was in charge of the service of Chinese food, which included preparation for dinner, service during meal, and clean work.

1 From what I know , StarCruise line was founded by Mr.LinWutong in 1933,and is now the largest cruise line in Asia-Pacific area, and world third. Its major cruises are in Asia ,mainly between Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Japan and provides services such as entertainment, food/cuisine, gym and other facilities

2 I chose StarCruise, because of its excellent reputation within the industry, and will be able to offer me a platform for self improvement, such as to enhance my language ability in English, as well as opportunities to visit other countries, come into contact with different cultures, make friends around the world while working in StarCruise.

3. There are five luxury yachts operating under the StarCruise brand: they are SuperStar Virgo, Aquarius, Libra, Gemini, and Aries.

4. I have had work experience as a waitress in a four star hotel for about 3 months. I left that job because of the low salary . During my period of employment, my main responsibilities was serving the lunch service, which included prior preparation, mealtime service, and the clearing up after.

1,I known that the STAR CRUISES company has founded by Mr.LinWuTong in 1993,its size is the world's third largest and top NO.1 in the Asia Pacific Ocean Region. its main route is in Asia such as Singapore. Malaysia, Thailand and Japan, it provided entertainment, Food, and excirse services etc.

2,I think that the STAR CRUISES is a strength of the company so I chose it, it can give a platform to improve my English language ability ,to travel in other countries, to learn about different customs, to make friends with different people, to earn money to feed myself.

3,The Star Cruises brand management of the Asia-Pacific fleets operating five ships, including the Virgo, Aquarius, Superstars Libra, Star Pisces and Aries star number.

4,I had worked in four-star hotel as waiter about three months, my daily main job is responsible for Chinese food service, meal service and clean up after meal, I quitted because I have got a less money(my salaries is too lower)

1 I know STAR CRUISES (STAR CRUISES) company was founded in 1993, is Mr. Lin, founder of the Chinese parasol scale is the first, the third in the asia-pacific region. Airlines are mainly in Asia, for example Singapore airlines. Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, etc, providing services have entertainment. Food and fitness, etc.

2 I choose star is a strength that star, can give me a platform, Can improve their English ability, Can have the opportunity to visit other countries, understanding the different customs and make friends from all over the world, Can earn money

3 star cruises brand of asia-pacific operating five cruise ship fleet, including superstar virgo, the scales and vase asterisks star, star Pisces and white star.

4 I have ever done four-star hotel waiter about three months. I leave because the salary is too low, I usually main work is responsible for Chinese food service, specific have meal preparation, meal, after the meal service

1 I know that Star Cruises (STAR CRUISES) Founded in 1993, founded by Mr. Lin Wutong, the scale of the first Asia-Pacific region, third in the world. Route is mainly Asian routes, such as Singapore. Malaysia, Thailand and Japan, the services provided entertainment. Food, and fitness.

2 I chose Lai Lai Sing Star is that the great strength, give me a platform to enhance their own; can improve their English skills; can have the opportunity to visit other countries, to understand the different customs, make foreign friends; can earn money to support themselves

3 The Star Cruises brand management of the Asia-Pacific fleets operating five ships, including the Virgo, Aquarius, SuperStar Libra, Star Pisces and Aries star number.

4 I have done four-star hotel waiter about 3 months. The reason I left is because wages are too low, I usually main task is responsible for Chinese food service, there are specific pre-dinner preparation, meal service, meal clean-up
